Wednesday, 30 September 2009

Who said Vampires aren't real?

I am not a fan of the supernatural nor am I a believer. So the Twilight Saga is definitely not normally up my street. However, after a lot of persuasion from my friends, I decided to give it a go. I am completely and utterly hooked! Taking an average of 3 days per book I fell in love with Edward Cullen, a vampire who is described as possible the most perfect human being. The supernatural story is made highly realistic and after discussing each and every event with my fellow fans on holiday I felt completely engrossed in the plot. Not to give to much away, the saga is about a girl who falls for a vampire. The four books relay there life together and the romance between human and vampire.

The 1st film, which has received countless awards, has been released and it truly lives up to the high expectations from the book. Edward Cullen is beautiful and successfully has become a heart throb to girls all around the world. Winning best kiss at the MTV movie awards simply sums him up. I ask you to please read the books before seeing the film as the in-depth descriptions from the book are needed to help with the imagination of the perfection of Edward.
The second Film New Moon is out in November and I certainly will be at the first showing. The only thing that slightly confuses me is that during my summer job in a local primary school I discovered the 11 year old girls to all be reading it but I think that this book is for a slightly older age group or at least they could never appreciate the shear romance of the relationship.

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